Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Family Culture

The three items I choose to take with me are my camera because there are pictures of my family on it and I can always make new memories with it. My cell phone so that I can call members of my family left behind and my ipod because music is very important to me and my family. 

If I can only take one of these then it would have to be my camera.  Pictures are very important to me and I want to always have a reminder of the people I love.  It is also important that I am able to make new memories to stay encouraged that family is also with whom you make it!

Doing this assignment has made me see that I do not have things that I define as part of my culture.  I believe that my culture is more in how I live, the values I have and the way I treat others. I found that it was hard to think of my culture in terms of things or items.