Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sue Bredekamp

I feel this quote directly impacts what is expected from early childhood educators and how they are expected to deliver the best services to children and families.  Clear communication of expectations and best practices are essential!
"As we advocate for the practices we believe serve children best, it is particularly vital that we be clear in our own thinking and precise in our communication."
 Excerpt from Educational Perspectives "Play and School Readiness"
"For children to benefit fully from play, teachers must take their own roles seriously.  Early childhood educators cannot wander around classrooms operating on the vague assumption that children learn through play while, at the same time, lamenting the challenges to play coming from parents and administrators.  Instead, teachers must recognize play as one of the key teaching and learning contexts in early childhood classroom, must acquire skills themselves in research-based effective teaching strategies such as scaffolding language to use during play, and must incorporate play along with other more directive teaching throughout the preschool day."

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