Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Battle Over Birth

Many European women are opting to choose how they want to have their babies.  Many of the women are selecting natural birthing centers to have their babies.  They want to have control over how they give birth.  One mother chose the Birth Center Klausenerplatz in Germany. They suggested natural remedies for her to go into labor, they supported her through the labor with the birthing pool, the rope then the birthing ball.  The mothers there are supported through their natural births and rely on the experience of the midwives.  This was really the experience I wanted for my child but of course there are not many options for a single woman with no medical insurance.  I think that when mothers feel more in control of their birthing experience they appreciate more the hard work that goes into having a child.  They feel more connected to their child and even bond more with their child in the beginning.  I wanted that with my child but did not know how to go about finding out how to get it at the time.  I am grateful for a healthy child but I wish I had more say so in the birthing process.  It's the support from people who listen to what you say you need during this important time in your life that makes the birthing experience positive.

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