Sunday, November 20, 2011

Culture and Diversity

The individuals I spoke with were very different.
1. My friend a Muslim male from big city born in Trinidad.  He defined culture as having refinement, customs, values and morals.  He said that culture was a complete way of life. He stated that culture was also how that society elevated a woman and the status that she held.

2. My sister same small town background from southern state.  My sister felt that culture was a group of people who have similar experiences, they enjoy the similar things.  They could be grouped by life experiences, race, ethnicity, interests etc.  She stated that an example would be tech kids.  She stated that these children have nothing in common with her.  Diversity is being able to see people differently, a mix of different cultures.  Realizing the validity of other cultures and existing peacefully with other cultures. 

3. My cousin a younger female born in southern state.  Culture is more of how we think, feel, and what we believe.  Culture is an unspoken common thread that helps to define who she is as a person and where she stands in society.  Diversity is the way that other people classify you and your differences.  Diversity is a way of dividing cultures into subcultures. It is a way for people to group others in terms they can understand.

When looking at everyone's definitions, it caused me to reflect on how I defined culture and diversity.  My views of culture and diversity were expanded and I could see the relevance in everyone's definition.  They touched on various aspects of how I viewed culture and diversity and helped me reshape what I felt diversity and culture were.  I felt that the definitions covered a range of what is considered diversity and culture by others. 

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