Monday, January 16, 2012


Watching Private Practice with the sound turned off made me really focus on the characters' facial expressions and body language.  Without hearing the words, some of the characters seem really hostile towards each other.  One character had her mouth drawn when speaking with another character indicatinng to me that she did not like what he was saying and then with another character she appeared as if she was about to cry.  But when I turned the sound on, she was really interested in the guy she was talking to and ended up kissing him.  So her body language was a little confusing.  It was difficult trying to interpret what they really meant or determine the plot because it was so emotional.  It made me think about what type of communicator I am.  I am not good at noticing body language and this assignment helped me to focus more what the characters were not saying. 

Since I started facilitating parenting groups, I have noticed that I do not read people very well.  This assignment helped me see that I need to practice and focus more on the things people are not saying.  Nonverbal communication is just as powerful a verbal communication, and it's those suttle things that I did not pay attention to before that I know I need more work with.  The nonverbal codes that people use during cocmmunication are very important to decipher.

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