When looking at how I evaluated myself compared to how others evaluated me, I think that the results were similar. The one that surprised me the most was that when I answered the questions on the verbal aggressiveness scale, I had significant aggression. When others' answered, I was in the moderate category. I had one coworker and one friend "grade" me on the tests. I thought maybe they way I read the questions was a problem with this particular test but I thought that I was really more moderate when it comes to aggression, but I made me reflect on how I speak with others professionally versus personally. Personally I am really relaxed and joke around alot, but in my professional role I am more on guard and conscious of how I speak to others. I figured the difference is that in my professional life I need to be more guarded so that I can feel that I am being more effective to our families.
I do however agree with my listening style outcome and the communication anxiety inventory. I am a people oriented listener. At first glance I was a little surprised that it stated that this can interfere with proper judgement because I tend to be very trusting. When I first started as a parent educator, this was true. But since then I have learned that I need to get more back ground information before I completely trust what people are saying. I do not blatantly call out a parent when I know that they are not telling me the who truth, but I still have to learn how to ask more effective questions without offending a person. I am getting a lot better! On the communication anxiety inventory my score was a 57 which is moderate. I pretty much knew this. I am becoming more comfortable with speaking in front of others, but still have a long way to go before I am comfortable with public speaking.