Hearing the parents' stories helped me to really see the value in what I do and how much people believe in early education. It has become even more important for me to understand and learn how I can inspire parents to advocate for themselves and their children. Personally, I felt very inspired by how these parents really took advantage of their experiences and turned them into success stories. It made me want to inspire my own success stories. Professionally, I was again inspired to continue on my path of completing the Master's program and opening my own child development facility.
The value of hearing such stories are priceless. These stories really attest to how head start can achieve what it set out to achieve. Costing less money in the end for the economy. These parents accounted how they benefitted from the program and how their children benefited from the program. How they ended up furthering their education and inspiring their children to do the same. Policymakers, government officials and even early childhood professinals need to know how Head Start can impact lives, save the economy money, and break the cycle of poverty when they are provided with the necessary tools, training and opportunities to touch lives.