My experience with social media is limited to a few things. I use facebook to keep track of family and some friends from high school. I know there are professional social media networks, but I just don't have the patience to through many of the sites. I don't even go on Facebook everyday and I know that there are people who live for facebook. I also know that people use social media sites to bully children and teenagers. I think the fact that I enjoy live company so to speak, I feel limited when I use social media websites. I would much rather connect then speak on the phone or in person. It seems that social media is so impersonal and is a way for people to hide what they truly are.
Various social media are very helpful when advocating for children and families. I think that there are many avenues to use when advocating. Facebook, blogging and youtube are great ways to get your issues heard and exposed to the world. They can shed light to a whole different group of people who never new these issues existed. By sharing your advocacy efforts, you can help educate the public and your circle of friends to get the word out. You never know who is connected to whom. By putting the issues out there, you can bring attention to it. Using these social media sites can be a positive experience for those who use it correctly.