Sunday, October 10, 2010

Me and my early education journey!

I have been in early childhood education for over 10 years and I am looking forward to my blogging journey.  I am not as computer literate as I would like to be but I hope to learn a lot from this experience.  So bear with me folks as we embark on our journey together!!!


  1. This is a great start to a wonderful journey!

  2. Hi! Yes, early education is essential for success in kindergarten. As a school readiness teacher and substitute teacher I can easily tell which students were involved in early education.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. On computer literacy, you are not alone. I am too. The happy thing is that this course would expose us to a lot of benefits that would make us better and efficient educators. See you at the other side of this mountain soon. I bet it would be fulfilling.

  5. Grandmother? I just made a comment on another mate's blog about grandmother. It seems we all share something in common : Affection for our grandmothers. Could it be that there is a way grandmothers' love influence the making of committed and passionate early childhood educators? This should be a good topic for research.
