Sunday, January 16, 2011

Miss Tizzy

Miss Tizzy is one of my favorite books.  This book shows me the kind of teacher I wanted to be and how each child should have someone like this in their lives.  Someone patient, creative, loving and nurturing.  Miss Tizzy's character allows the children to feel safe and valued.  She gives them the opportunity to share themselves and teach them how to respect and care for others who are in need.  In return, when Miss Tizzy is ill and can no longer be there for them in the same way, they know what to do!  They send her their love through their actions!  I love the message this book sends that children need to be taught by example and given the time and the opportunity, they will learn what is important in life.  That how you treat people and the way you make them feel about themselves is what really counts.

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