Saturday, December 17, 2011


Namibia is a country located in Southwest Africa that borders the Atlantic Ocean.  I will research the background of the country to learn more about their culture, language and their view on child development. I will get some personal background of the family to learn about their family.  Meeting with the family to learn from them what they expect from our center.  Learn the best ways of communicating with them, explain how our center operates, the mission of our agency, and their goals and expectations for their child while attending our center.  Also encourage the family to share their culture and language with other children and families so that they can understand how to be a support for this family as well. 

By following these preparations it will give me some insight as to what this family might expect, how to meet their needs and what challenges we may encounter in providing services for them.  By letting the family know that we respect them and their culture, have open communication with them and want them to feel encouraged to participate in their child's education this will build a strong connection with the family and other families in the center.   

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