Monday, February 21, 2011


I-1.3--To recognize and respect the unique qualities abilities, and potential of each child. 
I feel this is important because sometimes as teachers we get so bogged down in what children are not doing we don't focus on what they can do and the potential they have.  We often concentrate on negative behaviors and what the child does not have or goals they have not met that we often miss out on the abilities they do have.

I-1.5--To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.  This ideal is so important to what children will get out of their learning experiences.  It all depends on where they feel safe, who fosters that healthy social/emotional growth and how they can get the most out of learning. These experiences will determine their future interactions with how they learn and their passion for learning as well.  If they are in and environment that caters to the contributions that children can make and respect that then children are more likely to want to learn and get excited by their school experiences.

P-1.1--Above all, we shall not harm children.  We shall not participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physicall harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative,or intimidating to children.   This is important to me because often we feel that because we are bigger than a child then we can use intimidation as a way to control behavior.  "I'm bigger than you so your going to do what I say."  This is what many parents and even teachers feel is the way to show children how to behave and it always back fires in the long run, because children learn not how to behave but how to bully and intimidate others.  

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